Saskatchewan is truly a beautiful province.
When we are known for the iconic sunsets, sunrises, and prairie vistas, there is no questions where we get the name “Land of The Living Skies”. Proof of this unique beauty is shown off each year by the very popular Tourism Saskatchewan Photo Contest. If you like seeing beautiful photos of beautiful places, We highly recommend you check it out. We are often blown away by the beauty of our home province, so it is worth a look. Here is the link:
If it has ever crossed your mind to move yourself or your part of business into Saskatchewan….Or to even to just travel to Saskatchewan….. Another tip that we have is to sign up to the SaskSecrets email newsletter. It is put out monthly by our local tourism development office and it is full of info on local events, camping, traveling tips & deals, hikes, unique places, and more. Even if you don’t live here, you’ll see what you could be experiencing! Even just following the social media hastag #ExploreSask is worthwhile. Here is the link for the newsletter sign up:
Seeing is believing
We are big fans of the photo contest, active subscribers to the newsletters, as well as live and work in Saskatchewan. We have been to some of these iconic locations personally. So….. we already know that seeing is truly believing. Until you visit Saskatchewan or venture out from your normal routine inside your piece of the province…. you won’t believe the expanse of the land. Or the feeling of serenity that a big horizon brings to your soul. You won’t believe the down-to-earth, welcoming nature of the people that have come together to create this unique and spirited society.
Along the way you find yourself wondering what the local real estate market is like in this province. And that is where we can help you. We at the Flatlands Real Estate Team know our stuff and we can provide guidance in all sectors of the real estate market including Residential Homes & Condos, Commercial Real Estate, Apartment Buildings & Multi Family Properties, Business Brokerage, and Farm & Acreage Real Estate. Feel free to reach put to us with your real estate questions, initial consultations are always free and confidential.